CAWaB - Collectif Accessibilité Wallonie Bruxelles
1140 Bruxelles
The Collectif Accessibilité Wallonie Bruxelles was created in 2006 and became a non-profit organisation in 2016. It brings together some twenty associations, both associations representing disabled people and offices with expertise in accessibility, this complementarity constituting, since its creation, one of its greatest strengths.
CAWaB defends and promotes the right to accessibility, with the objective of allowing everyone to have independent access to
- to housing
- to buildings open to the public
- public transport in Brussels and the Walloon Region
- to rail transport
- to elections
- information, communications and digital technology
- health care
The Collective undertakes a series of actions to contribute to the achievement of this goal, including awareness raising, representation in consultative bodies, creation, validation, publication or dissemination of reference tools, activism, legal action, etc.